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Educate Yourself and Your Family, Friends and Peers

    Spread awareness about what is happening in India and how this ties into the issue of Kashmir. Help people understand what’s going on by reaching out to those you know and sharing the message.

    1. Listen to this Podcast: The Lockdown of Kashmir with Hafsa Kanjwal
    2. Understand India’s new Citizenship Bill: India’s Citizenship Protests

    Sample message–

    I am deeply concerned and frightened by what is happening in India right now. Kashmir is still occupied and internet continues to be shut down. Genocide Watch has issued two Genocide Alerts for India– one in Kashmir, the other in Assam. It has failed in three moves: its revocation of Kashmir’s semi-autonomous status, the National Registry Charter (NRC) and the Citizenship Amendment Bill. All three actions have targetted Muslim communties in India and has furthered the agenda of the nationalist BJP run governmnet of Prime Minister Modi. Islamophobic rhetoric and incitement of violence has led to this moment in history where Muslims and Hindus are being pitted against one another.

    We must understand what is happening. I have read and listened to these pieces and I hope you will share with your peers and on social media as well.

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